Fill in Blank (R)

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This question type is usually the 1st one in the Reading Section. Test takers will see 4 or 5 textual passages, 80 or so words with 3 to 5 blanks and 6 to 8 options listed below. Test takers are asked to use the grammar hints, choose the correct words and drag them into the correct blanks.


This type of question makes up a significant portion of the Reading section in terms of points. To improve answer accuracy, try:

  1. Learn to use grammar clues;
  2. Build a foundation of vocabulary (65 points: CET-4 or higher; 79 points: CET-6 or higher);
  3. Enhance reading comprehension.

In real tests, this type of question varies in difficulty, so test takers should develop a sense of time, avoid spending too much time on a rather difficult task and thus make time for relatively easy tasks.

Time span

FIBR accounts for a significant proportion of the Reading section in terms of points. And the difficulty of this type of question varies in real tests, so candidates should develop a sense of time, avoid spending too much time on a rather difficult task and thus stressing it out. time for relatively easy tasks. Up to 2 minutes is recommended for each task.

Practical Goals

Under 50 points: Try to get the ratio right at 2/5. Students with limited vocabulary (under 4000 words) need to memorize words. We have a specific word memo function in our website and app. We recommend memorizing all the words in the PTE Basic Vocab, in line with the goal of scoring between 30 and 65.

✎✎✎  Fill in Blank (R&W)

50 points: For each task, try to get a correct rate of 50% or more and limit errors to 2.

65 points: For each task, try to limit errors to 1, never exceed 2; or average within 1.5 errors for every 5 gaps.

79 points: Try to limit errors to 1 for each task.

Practical Tasks

Practice the 15 FIBR&FIBRW tasks in an in-depth reading. Make sure to understand the passages and understand why the word was chosen for each blank. If you cannot understand the passage, your correct rate will definitely be lower than expected. Be sure to meet the requirements corresponding to a particular class section.

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