App To Learn PTE, Tools To Support Self-Practice PTE

App to Learn PTE Tools, Tools to Support Self-Practice Test PTE
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If you are learning PTE, you cannot ignore BoostPTE, an online self-study support tool. I would like to introduce BoostPTE as the number 1 exam preparation platform in Vietnam with many functions to help you study effectively.

Preparing for the real test in the PTE exam is essential by taking mock PTE tests based on reality. With the BoostPTE exam preparation app, candidates can control the test time and understand the structure of a real PTE exam. From there, candidates can be more confident in the actual exam. In addition, a variety of materials will help you increase from 0.5 – 1.5 points after the review process.

Overview Of The PTE Exam

PTE (Pearson Test of English) is an international English language certificate, recognized in many countries for different purposes such as study abroad, employment, settlement, etc. PTE test results can be used alongside or in place of IELTS or TOEFL scores.

PTE currently has 3 test types, including:

  • Academic PTE (Academic PTE)
  • PTE General (General PTE)
  • PTE Young Learners (PTE for Children)

In particular, PTE Academic is the most popular and is a “foreign language passport” for those who want to study, work or settle in English-speaking countries. For young people who plan to study abroad and determine in English-speaking countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore,… PTE Academic certificate is a worthy choice. However, with IELTS and TOEFL, PTE Academic is less popular, you need to -check coming to study and work on whether English certificates are accepted.

Free PTE Self-Study Support Tool

BoostPTE is the most optimal PTE self-learning platform on the market today. The software is trusted by tens of thousands of PTE students worldwide.

That’s because the interface is identical to the actual PTE exam to help students familiarize themselves with the test structure. From there, prepare well for the pressure of the exam room. The Pearson standard test set is updated regularly and is the most complete with 100% of the questions from the real test. BoostPTE interface is friendly, simple, and easy to use even for those unfamiliar with computers

✎✎✎  Summary of PTE Test Tips to Help You Get High Scores on the Exam

PTE Exam Preparation Guide Helping To Get Your Target

First, you must define the PTE goal to make it easy to review. Once you have determined your goal, you need to choose the priority courses for that goal. PTE 30 – 79 will have time priority in different sections. In general, the Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, FIB Listening, Highlight Incorrect Word và Write From Dictation. Overall, the Reading Aloud sections are the #1 priority for all goals. Here, we will tell you more about the exam you should prioritize when preparing for the PTE exam.

– The #1 priority for the PTE 35 – 50 goal is Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence,  FIB listening, HIW, and WFD.

PTE over 50 – 65 are Read Aloud, Repeat Sentences, FIB listening, HIW, WFD, FIB-Reading, Drag and Drop – Reading.

PTE target 79+ is Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, FIB Listening, HIW, WFD. FIB – Reading, Drag & Drog – Reading, Summarize the Spoken text.

– Priority #2 for PTE goals from 30 – 50 is Essay, summarize written Text, Describe Image, Retell lecture. Target PTE over 50-65 Essay, summarize written text, summarize spoken text, describe the image, retell lecture. Target 79+ is Essay Summarize written text, describe an image, retell the lecture and the rest of the listening.

– Priority #3 for PTE 35-50 goal is to summarize spoken text, FIB – reading, drag and drop – reading. Target PTE over 50 – 65 is RoP and the rest of the listening. Target 79+ we have the rest of the listening.

Important Exam Sections To Keep In Mind When Self-studying PTE

5 steps to prepare for the PTE exam: Set a score goal for yourself – Know the test format – Know how to score the test – Find exam preparation materials – Learn test notes.

For the self-study of PTE to be effective, you should set goals according to the scale you want. With the target cells -study level, PTE 30 to 79 will have different priorities. However, in general, sections such as Read Aloud, Repeat Sentences, FIB Listening, Highlight Incorrect Word, and Write From Dictation should be given the #1 priority for all scores.

Boost PTE Admin

Boost PTE is the best website providing all the information about the Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic) test and courses. Our goal is to share helpful information with the community and those who want to learn about PTE for Immigration and Education.

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